Super 8 by Wyndham St Johns i St. John's

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CanadaSuper 8 by Wyndham St Johns



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175, Higgins Line, A1B 4N4, St. John's, Division No. 1, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 709-700-1167
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.5950131, Longitude: -52.7280837

kommentar 5

  • Mark MacDonald

    Mark MacDonald


    Staff are very pleasant and eager to assist with any questions. Rooms are very clean and well maintained. Beds are very comfortable.

  • Shawn Bailey

    Shawn Bailey


    Room was clean, location in town was good for what we wanted to do. Hotel had a nice pool for smaller children.

  • en

    Felicha MacKinnon


    Very friendly atmosphere, clean facility, amazing pool. Located within walking distance to some great restaurants. Fair pricing.

  • Jim Buffett

    Jim Buffett


    This hotel was a very nice surprise. A king size bed with a jacùuzi and a great breakfast for $130.00 per night. The rooms are nice and clean and more than ample park I g provided. It'll be our new place to stay while in St. John's

  • en

    Chantel Jeans


    Stayed here a few years ago and had a more pleasant experience. This stay (March 2018) was not great. There was one lady at the front desk in the early evening, multiple customers around waiting on her to return. The room wasn’t super clean, the walls are thin and the traffic if you are facing the road is awful and you can hear it all night long. While I am aware that the hotel cannot help this, my family has stayed at busy location hotels on many occasions and this was awful. Breakfast was not good. Again, there was a time when we stayed and enjoyed it but this is the second and last not great experience we will have at Super 8. Food selection was next to nothing, what was there wasn’t warm. Hotel just has a general run down vibe and an odd smell.

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