Sunshine Chinese Restaurant de Winnipeg

CanadaSunshine Chinese Restaurant



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635, Corydon Avenue, R3M 0W3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-615-2615
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.872337, Longitude: -97.1493623

commentaires 5

  • Hen Kim

    Hen Kim


    A staff recommended me Lo Mein so I tried Shrimp Lo Mein. It was great!

  • en

    Debra Ann Kaminsky


    The food was good but the price were unusually high for this style of good $15.95/ dish of Ginger Beef. The shrimp with onion were overwhelmingly powerful and burning as they seemed to use regular onion with s very pungent aroma and taste. My suggestion would be to use a white sweet onion so your eye don't water when you eat it and your nose does not burn. Again another dish at $15.95. It appeared to be a regular amount. The flavor was good and service was good.

  • Leighton Powell

    Leighton Powell


    Was referred to this place from a friend and had recently moved to the area. Worth the drive otherwise I’d I hadn’t just moved. A buddy and I had the crispy ginger beef and sesame chicken; certainly top notch is both consistency, quality of food and flavour. Prices are what you would expect for two with the bill topping out at 40 dollars on take out without tip. Would highly recommend this restaurant, will be going here again.

  • Vishal Garve

    Vishal Garve


    One of the best Chinese food I ever had in the city, Excellent food & service. Also don’t forget to ask Chinese dates after your meal. Owner lady is very friendly. If you have any specific question about menu ask her about suggestions. I am glad that she customized one of our dish, and it tasted very well. Will look forward to come back again.

  • Carolyn Halcrow

    Carolyn Halcrow


    The staff was welcoming and eager to please. After a discussion they helped us pick some more traditional Chinese dishes which were divine. I will definitely be back to eat there and practise my limited Mandarin.

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