Studio Living i Montréal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaStudio Living



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1831, Rue Montcalm, H2L 3H6, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 514-249-8099
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.520539, Longitude: -73.560864

kommentar 5

  • en

    Caiela Reid


    Haven't gone yet but it looks amazing

  • Hernan B

    Hernan B


    Michel is the perfect host! The location is very nice, lot of natural light and the apartment is beautiful!

  • Alex Evers

    Alex Evers


    Amazing host who care about details. Each studio is different with good decoration taste. Great welcoming with good guidance for Montreal. It's a perfect place for someone who want to have is own studio on a quiet street, but close to everything within a short walking distance. I strongly recommend that place for one or two person(s).

  • Chris Boyer

    Chris Boyer


    Best b&b in the city of Montreal! Michel is a great host and will be able to guide you to where ever you want in the city, you get a full equipped studio for your private use and there is a daily cleaning service. Nothing like coming back to your studio after a long day and have a fleshly cleaned room and bed

  • Michel Lapointe

    Michel Lapointe


    -TripAdvisor 2015: 2ème position sur 150 b&b à Montréal - TripAdvisor: 2015: 2nd positon out of 150 b&b in Montreal

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