Starbucks de Thunder Bay




🕗 horaire

797, Memorial Avenue, P7B 3Z7, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-346-9545
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4116279, Longitude: -89.2436261

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nicholas Kryl


    My girlfriend and I visit Starbucks almost everyday we usually go to the one in the Thunder centre but today we were at chapters and decided to get our usual favorite holiday drinks my latte tasted alright but my girlfriend's peppermint mocha tasted like water down hot chocolate.. not to mention one of the staff members ( seemed like a manager I believe.) Was very rude as there was a line up of customers and she seemed to think her drink was more important then any of the customers.... I will be sticking to the other location ...

  • John Fotheringham

    John Fotheringham


    Pretty standard for a Starbucks in a Chapters. The staff are friendly and the coffee is the same as any other Starbucks. A fair bit of seating but people do tend to linger having just bought books and magazines. You can almost always find a seat though as there is 20 foot window bench stretching into Chapters that you can use until a table or cushy chair opens




    Great place for chilling and good service overall by staffs.

  • en

    Thomas Skoropad


    Great staff, real coffee, even better in the new year once they get their reno.

  • en

    Lynn McEachern


    Very inviting. Friendly staff. Sometimes grounds in coffee. Tables are now to close together.

Café la plus proche

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