Starbucks de Calgary




🕗 horaire

500 Centre St, 100, Calgary, AB T2G 0E3, CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 403-294-0905
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0480221, Longitude: -114.0618347

commentaires 5

  • T H

    T H


    Staff is friendly and service is always fast. One of the better Starbucks locations I've been to.

  • Robert Stephenson

    Robert Stephenson


    Haven't tried yet but I plan to

  • Lyvia Rose Vaillancourt

    Lyvia Rose Vaillancourt


    Staff is friendly and quick, even when it's busy.

  • elisia jw

    elisia jw


    I see someone has already complained about this problem but once again, please address the inappropriateness of this situation. It is sexual harassment for customers and employees

  • en

    Rebecca Chamberlin


    September 19th, 2016. Service was good and efficient. By only problem was the shift supervisor, who's thong was sticking out above her jean waistband. It made me feel very uncomfortable and disturbed to know that this hasn't been addressed. I was there to do work and drink my coffee and to see this women's underwear, especially someone who represents the company, really degraded my experience. Hope to see change.

Café la plus proche

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