Staples Ottawa i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaStaples Ottawa



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403, Bank Street, K2P 1Y6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-235-2525
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4131239, Longitude: -75.6938513

kommentar 5

  • Mikey Noynay

    Mikey Noynay


    Security guard wasn't fond of me taking pictures so I was able to only take a few. Great place none the less. Decent location and good services.

  • Carl Cencig

    Carl Cencig


    Wonderful service at this store. The staff went above and beyond ensuring the passport photos were taken correctly. Two staff members took time to assist me over about 15 mins time and offered to give the photos to me for free for the wait ( which I refused to accept and paid since it was great service) . Another staff helped me look at a different product to purchase and I was thanked and welcomed on the way in the store and out also. Great prices. I will definitely shop at this store anytime.

  • en

    Justine Cooper-King


    I just want to thank James L., Ben, James P. and Tiffany for their fantastic help recently with a laptop issue! They were amazing and patient with my problem, and great entertainers as the visit was a long one! I have only had great experiences at this particular Staples

  • Roger Louttit

    Roger Louttit


    I've been here a few times. The costumer service here is great. The staff seem to be well trained. I did a price match here today and the guy processed it promptly while inputting my tax exempt without a hitch. Usually doing stuff like this is a drag, but the system they have implemented quickly eliminates the hassle. I'd recommend this store no problem.

  • Margaret Singleton

    Margaret Singleton


    I recently purchased a computer and printer from STAPLES on Bank St., the store I go to for all of my tech issues and related products. The representatives are friendly, helpful and even though I'm a very senior woman they do not talk down to me or dismiss me as someone who isn't knowledgeable. That happens a lot in stores of all kinds. The staff are actually able to carry on a conversation, they take time to explain with passable grammar and best of all do not walk away in the middle of a sales pitch to talk to someone else. That happens a lot! A representative brought the new computer to my home and set it up for me, then gave me a tutorial on WINDOWS 10 which I had been avoiding downloading. He was a knowledgeable teacher and I understood what he was saying. RARE in these days. When youth speak at church I have no idea what the garbled, rushed message has been. CBC announcers are an example of this new generational garbled language. I love my new computer and we are getting along quite nicely after only five days together. It does what it ask. I like that. It was set up properly so it works. I've always done this myself and did the transfer of the data and files from the old computer although it took hours. So, rush to STAPLES on BANK STREET for pleasant, knowledgeable service, products you can trust and amazing follow- up with your representative.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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