Speedy Glass i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSpeedy Glass



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474, Gladstone Avenue, K1R 5N8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-563-4995
internet side: www.speedyglass.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4105738, Longitude: -75.6967986

kommentar 5

  • Jess Dufour

    Jess Dufour


    If I could give more than five stars I would. Went in for an insurance replacement and walked out feeling like a negative situation had really been turned around by them. Mark and his team went above and beyond to get us in and out quickly and left the car on much better shape than we'd brought it to them

  • en

    Marc Guenette


    Mark there was beyond helpful. He was actually one of the best customer service representatives I have ever encountered in any service. Wish you all the best Mark. -Marc

  • Alexander Babaris

    Alexander Babaris


    Kind, helpful, and reassuring when my window was smashed. I was pretty stressed out and they not only turned things around quickly, but reassured me that my car would be fine. It really helped - Brian in particular. Thanks so much!

  • en

    Ashlen Leonard


    One of the best customer experiences I have ever had. Incredibly kind, helpful and generous with their time and knowledge. Will 100% recommend.

  • Henry Brown

    Henry Brown


    All around perfect experience to fix a chip in my windshield - can't even see it. They offered plenty of appointment times to work with my schedule and I was in and out in less than 30 minutes. Wifi worked great in the waiting room.

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