Spa Academy w Saskatoon

KanadaSpa Academy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

511, 33rd Street West, S7L 0V7, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
kontakt telefon: +1 306-477-0187
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.1435942, Longitude: -106.6777419

komentarze 4

  • en

    Emily Schultz


    The girl that did my nails today was amazing Nevada if I spelled it right. Sorry if I didn’t

  • en

    gina pflegervu


    My sister and I recently visit Spa Acamdemy on Dec. 5 and got pedicures and manicures. The students were terrible. The student working on me put clumpy nail polish on my nails. I did not like it and wanted it removed. She told me that it will cost me additional $10 to remove it. To make things worse when we went to pay we both had 2 Groupons, one I bought for myself another was a gift. We were told we could only use the one we bought ourself. The person in charge was very rude. She blamed groupon for not changing their ad. She told us to phone groupon and return the gift certificates bought by our spouses. Not only that but a couple of days after the appointment our nails peeled. I have spent a lot of money at this establishment including having my sister's bachelorette party there and this is how they treat loyal customers I was very disappointed with the service and customer service.

  • en

    Ed H


    Great relaxed atmosphere. They are students so be patient with them and don't expect absolutely perfect results. That being said, they are quite good and the instructor constantly comes to check up. Very friendly people and amazing prices.

  • Larissa Maendel

    Larissa Maendel


najbliższy Salon piękności

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