Sobeys Urban Fresh Metcalfe i Ottawa

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CanadaSobeys Urban Fresh Metcalfe



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193, Metcalfe Street, K2P 0S5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-598-0027
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4187458, Longitude: -75.6930275

kommentar 5

  • Don Cook

    Don Cook


    What a great new addition to Centretown. Stopped in to get some breakfast items while we are staying in a hotel for a week. There is a great selection of fresh items, ready to serve and deli. We got everything we needed. We wish that there was one in the downtown of our city.

  • en

    Scott Shorkey


    Very good grocery store.. Good quality, looks nice, very convenient layout (though it can feel a little weird at first), and fast checkouts! Even when its very busy you're out of there fast. Its a little pricy but the quality makes it worth it.

  • en

    H M


    Kind of on the expensive side and doesn’t have that much variety but super convenient so that makes up for it. It has a salad bAr and good ready to go meals. Also has beer and ciders which is always a plus. And it has a wine rack connected in side of it as well. Self check out but cashiers are also available. Good produce.

  • en

    Aaron B.


    Okay, so maybe it's the real estate, but... What they do have is generally the same for all the Sobeys and Metros in the city... but just a little bit more expensive. One other thing, somewhat related, but when I think downtown supermarket I think of a place where I might be able to find more unique and select items for my grocery list... but not here.

  • Becca



    Overall, a good downtown grocery store. Always very clean. Decent variety (although they don’t stock my favorite almond milk and if you want frozen food you might want to go elsewhere — not a lot of options. The layout is a bit weird, but it’s a small enough store that backtracking is no problem. It’s pretty busy weeknights at 5:30 ish, but otherwise there’s rarely a line as they have a lot of self check out machines (in person checkout is also available). The pricing is average, and they sometimes have really great sales. Decent cheese variety, and same goes for pasta sauce. Never seem to have jalepeno peppers. Hard to find the non organic avocado if you don’t know where to look. But on the plus side, there’s wine, beer, and cider.

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