Smooth Moves w Sudbury

KanadaSmooth Moves


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

328, Bond Street, P3B 2J9, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
kontakt telefon: +1 705-675-3113
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 46.5027369, Longitude: -80.98518

komentarze 5

  • en

    Claudette Madigan


    Excellent service and very professional. We would definitely use them again.

  • en

    Jay Mac


    Very satisfied with these movers. They we’re on time, moved things quickly did not take any unnecessary time to get things out of the unit and into the truck. All items were moved with care and damage free, reasonably priced as well. Would use these movers again.

  • en

    Trevor Popowich


    Very happy with these movers. We have used them 3 times, and they have been prompt, polite, very careful with our belongings and professional. The price was reasonable, and only for the exact time items were moved. Highly recommended, and I'd use them again.

  • Susan Dawn

    Susan Dawn


    We use them for our local dream home, and have hired outside for personal moving and they are the best out there. Very fast, careful, efficient and go above and beyond...on top of all this they are polite and take care of your stuff and floors!

  • en

    Lisanne cloutier


    Couldn't ask for a better moving company. Professional, polite, none stop hard working men. Not one "ding". Excellent service and very very reasonably priced. Made my move a smooth transition!! Thanks

najbliższy Firma przeprowadzkowa

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