Shoppers Drug Mart de Toronto

CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



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220, Yonge Street, M5B 2H1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-979-9373
site web:
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Latitude: 43.6527897, Longitude: -79.3798731

commentaires 5

  • Erik Huelsmann

    Erik Huelsmann


    Guter Drogerie-Markt fĂŒr alles was man braucht! Shoppers Drug Mart ist direkt im Eaton Centre gelegen. Hier bekommt man alles was man so braucht. Gerade die Kosmetik Abteilung ist sehr großzĂŒgig ausgelegt. Im Markt selber findet sich noch eine Apotheke. Allen in allem ein sehr guter Allrounder. Schaut am besten selbst vorbei.

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    Leticia Manalo


    Waited for 10 minutes in Pharmacy Department before someone ( white mature woman abĂČut 5'2" tall) finally acknowledged me. She asked me if I am picking up or have questions and I said questions and she just turn around without a word. I was watching her if she was going to let the Pharmacist to help me but no luck she just continue whatever that she was doing without alerting the Pharmacist. The staff behind the counter made eye contract with me and yet not one of them (3 staff) were willing to help. Finally after 5 minutes the student pharmacist came to the consultation booth and I thought she was there to help me but guess again...she asked me to moved to the pick up line becausr she was helping a customer so I decided to wait behind the customer she was helping and after 10 minutes she finally helped me. So I waited for 25 minutes before anyone can answered ny questions. Unfortunately, I have to go back and asked her again but this time I asked the Pharmacist itself..She was Asian pharmacist and she was short with me when I asked her the difference between 2 over the counter medication. She was looking at me like I am stupid. Then she just turn around and left leaving me shaking my head. I was contemplating should I asked for the Manager and deal with my concern? I came back to my office and took the 10 minutes left of my break. I guess I will never go to this pharmacy dept. anymore. It was not even busy!

  • Amanda Lawrence

    Amanda Lawrence


    I used to come to this shoppers to fill prescriptions because it was close to my doctors office but yesterday was the last time! The pharmacists were so rude and unprofessional, one of them was extremely short with me when asking what I needed then while waiting I saw her being rude and snappy to other customers and running around the place like a chicken with her head cut off. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen the pharmacists being rude to customers, but the final straw was when she called my name to give me my prescription I had planned on paying for other items at the counter and she threw my bag there and said “here ya go” I showed her the stuff in my hand and was mid way through telling her I wanted to pay for these and she said “what?!?” I said “never mind I’ll pay for them up there” and she responded by saying she didn’t hear me because of her head cold. (Maybe she would have heard me if she wasn’t in a rush and cut me off mid sentence). This behaviour is beyond rude and unprofessional exactly the opposite of what I’d expect from a pharmacist (not to mention she didn’t ask me if i needed explanation for it) I will not be coming back here.

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    Sarah brown


    The woman with pink hair at the pharmacy is extremely rude. Her whole demeanor is basically conveying “what the f&$@ do you want”. I was completely polite and just trying to fill a prescription and this woman was just a condescending , eye rolling horrible person. She should not be the face of that pharmacy that’s for sure. Stick her in the back somewhere that she doesn’t have to interact with people. Really upsetting interactions with her.

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    Friendly staff and a huge store with several sections from personal care to grocery. Located on the lower level of the Toronto Eaton Centre near the Queen ttc station. Has a Canada Post office within as well as self service checkouts. Promotions and sales are offered weekly.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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