Shop usask Tech i Saskatoon

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20 Lower Place Riel - 1 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A3, Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 306-966-2046
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Latitude: 52.1309345, Longitude: -106.6363587

kommentar 5

  • Xiao Han

    Xiao Han


    I actually want to give 0 star to them! And I think I am not the only one. They treated me very unfriendly when I try to return one of product. There is nothing wrong with the product, it is a Skull candy Bluetooth head phone, it costs 60 CAD! But with very bad design that I realize it won't be a good shape if I want to go GYM with it. The receipt says "return in 14 days" , but the staff there says it can not be return because I have opened it. It was just 2 hours after I bought it!!!!! Well, first of all , I did not open it, the staff open it for me, and she did NOT mention anything about this non-refundable. She should remind me before she open it! Secondly, I can return a bike to sports check, return back pack to NIKE, why can't I return a head phone to a campus store? I have not even use it! Just because there are so many international students, so you can assume they know nothing about return policy?! This is not how you make business. If I keep this headphone, it will sit in my draw because it is useless to me. Why not you sell it to some other people who would like it better? Or return it to the originally company and tell them design a better head phone?! It is so not GREEN too! It wasted my money, and will encourage those company design more useless head phone because you never return it to them!!! The "manerger" told me she will see if the company accept the return. I told her I need to go now but I will come back and try to return it tomorrow! Her face looks like she did not expect I would say that! Yes, I know the policy, don't try to treat the international students as they are stupid!!!!! Discriminated experience, and disappointed store ever!

  • Trupti Desale

    Trupti Desale


    The store sales many computer brands. Only store in Saskatoon where student discount available on Apple products

  • Spencer Schaan

    Spencer Schaan


    Very disappointed with the service they offer when your device is broken and under warranty. I purchased a Thinkpad T560 and its hard drive broke 2 months later. They directed me to Fact Computers to repair my device - and they are not a certified business partner of Lenovo so I had to pay $90 for labour. I learned this after hard drive #2 broke and I dealt with Lenovo support where they service everything free under warranty, including shipping. It's ridiculous that the Campus Computer Store would not provide me with the best option to repair my device when I call for help. Makes me think that they are getting kickbacks form Fact Computers.

  • Majid Nezakat

    Majid Nezakat


    The average price of electronics are significantly higher at this store compared to other electronic stores like BestBuy, Source, London Drugs, or any other manufacturer website and online stores. The only positive point is for UofS students at the time of desperate needs.

  • Ferenc Borondics

    Ferenc Borondics


    Almost everything that you would need for school. The staff is friendly and they even have techs for fixing Macs. Students and staff gets a good discount.

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