Second Cup de Ottawa

CanadaSecond Cup



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1715, Merivale Road, K2G 3K2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-413-1222
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.344898, Longitude: -75.729515

commentaires 5

  • en

    Justin Laverty


    Extremely unimpressed. The girl with long blue hair wouldn't serve me when it was dead because she was pre occupied on her phone. She eventually took my order and I sat and waited while my drink sat at the end of the counter prepared. Would have been nice to know it was sitting there getting cold.

  • Steven Clarke

    Steven Clarke


    Pleasant environment, great coffee, and knowledgeable, friendly staff. This is one of my favourite Second Cup locations. Great place to relax or catch up on work with their free WiFi.

  • Laura Holtz

    Laura Holtz


    I’m surprised to see anything negative to say about the service at this location but I guess people post more about negative experiences instead of positive. I stopped in with my boyfriend and two friends right before close and was greater by Terry who was nothing but fanastic. He didn’t rush us and was more than happy to have us there. As we walked out he came behind us to lock the doors and my boyfriend shook his hand thanking him for his awesome service. You can tell that he enjoys what he does and has one of the best customer service attitudes that I have ever experienced.

  • en



    Ownership has changed again and not for the better. I was so happy with the new owners, who were bought out about 3 months back. Now it is a far less happy place. The attitude is that you are somehow bothering them and cleanliness has gone downhill. Of course there are always exceptions. For example , there are two young women who work here both blonde. One of them is really friendly and professional and then there’s another one with glasses who is cranky and argumentative every time (in my experience). They really need to up the service, to at least act a bit friendly toward customers versus pissed off when asked to do simple things like make a coffee.

  • Paul Rocco

    Paul Rocco


    Stopped by at 9pm. Just after they closed. The owner asked what I wanted - 2 teas. Made them for me and said they were complimentary. Awesome service. Way above and beyond what I expected. It wasn't necessary but it was very much appreciated. Well done. I'll definitely be stopping by next time I'm in the area.

Café la plus proche

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