Sandman Signature i Richmond

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSandman Signature



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10251, Saint Edwards Drive, V6X 2M9, Richmond, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-278-9611
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.1871455, Longitude: -123.1101826

kommentar 5

  • en

    A M


    YOU ARE NOT SAFE HERE. I stayed here with my son on Friday night as we were celebrating his 7th birthday. We woke up on Saturday to find the Thule box off the top of our van had been stolen and a hole had been drilled in the gas tank and the gas had been drained. Front desk did not seem surprised or concerned and gave me the number for non-emergency RCMP and sent me on my way. No one attempted to help. Please do not make the mistake of staying at this hotel. You are not safe.

  • en

    Kristy Bagg


    I was extremely disappointed with this hotel. I booked it thinking it was quite convenient for the stay park and fly and honestly I wouldn't do it again. I felt totally unwelcome and not greeted properly in the slightest. The rooms are so outdated which I could handle if the service was good but the over all experience...I wouldn't recommend it. Will be looking for a park and fly deal again but not with this company. The employees seem extremely unhappy.

  • Mike Sutherland

    Mike Sutherland


    I was happy with both the service and the room at this hotel. There is a business area on the main floor that has cubicals to work from, which I liked. The business area is adjacent to a Starbucks, which is pretty convenient if you like to have a coffee or tea while you work. Also, the water slide at the pool is pretty good... We went down that quite a few times!

  • Garth McKeil

    Garth McKeil


    This was once a heck of a nice place... Currently there is an air of neglect and disinterest here. Example- TVs are older first first-gen flat screens and entertainment software for movies is outdated and prone to crash mid-movie. On the positive side, I will give kudos to whomever maintains the little goldfish pond outside the arterial hall leading to the British tower... Clean water, healthy looking fish and nice plants.

  • PhilandJess Burton

    PhilandJess Burton


    Stayed here for business and brought the family. Due to a late meeting the following day, the Manager was very flexible and accommodating. Friendly service, numerous amenities on site and reasonably priced. Pool area was very cold but we had alot of fun anyway. We would definitely stay again and looking forward to trying this in the summer when the outdoor amenities are available as well.

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