Safeway West Broadway de Vancouver

CanadaSafeway West Broadway



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2733 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6K 2G5, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-732-5226
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2644718, Longitude: -123.1672616

commentaires 5

  • Love's Corner

    Love's Corner


    Clean, great food items selection, covers all allergy preferences, well laid out... Starbucks inside, great Pharmacy... what mire can you ask for in a supermarket?

  • Chas Frazer

    Chas Frazer


    HUGE store. Since Sobey's bought this chain prices have gone through the roof. Shop wisely & check your receipts carefully. Update: Recently charged twice for the same item. Their policy/practice: A free apology without remedy for aggravation & time wasted! AND recently bought some snapper, took it home & it was BAD (mushy, smelly)!!

  • Peter Radiuk

    Peter Radiuk


    Shopping at night is like shopping in Caracas, Venezuela. The shelves are empty! Maybe the worst managed store in the history of food distribution. How can you have sale items in your flyer and then be out of stock??? Should never happen! The community would be well served if they closed this store and started again.

  • Andrew Neary

    Andrew Neary


    Really nice Safeway in kits. Very nice staff that were joking around and having fun with each other on the job. Felt like a great place to work and made the shopping trip a little brighter, made the place feel more alive. Definitely a great option for grocery shopping in such a well served area.

  • en

    Google User


    Love Safeway, especially this location. Great food choices and options plus friendly, knowledgeable staff. The aisles are clearly labeled and makes my shopping trip just that much easier! Feels like I can get in and out in a short period of time while getting everything on my shopping list. Highly recommend to anyone and everyone

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