Running Room i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRunning Room



🕗 åbningstider

160, Slater Street, K1P 5H8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-5165
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4200167, Longitude: -75.6979297

kommentar 5

  • Aidar Dossymov

    Aidar Dossymov


    Great place, helpful staff, has running groups you can join.

  • Tonia Snow

    Tonia Snow


    Staff is great until you have a complaint or product issue - then the district manager tries to make you feel like an idiot and refuses to acknowledge defective products.

  • Steph Rastall

    Steph Rastall


    The staff are great. They pay individual attention to every customer to help them find what they’re looking for and they’re sooo helpful. They may have a small selection of shoes, but all that really means is that they carry the best shoes from the best brands so you can trust that the shoes will be good. Absolutely recommend.

  • Matthew Moulton

    Matthew Moulton


    I came here wondering if they had SHOES and sure enough THEY DID!!! Staff was very helpful, got my last two pairs of runners there and was a quick and easy experience. Also donated my last pair to them as they run some kind of charity with used shoes apparently.

  • Jessica Lynch

    Jessica Lynch


    Amazing staff. Love the run club here. Good selection of products and frequent sales.

nærmeste Sko butik

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