Rosedale on Robson Suite Hotel i Vancouver

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CanadaRosedale on Robson Suite Hotel


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838, Hamilton Street, V6B 6A2, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-689-8033
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.2783976, Longitude: -123.1163271

kommentar 5

  • Brandon L

    Brandon L


    Really great location and good service. The room was nice and really liked the suite feel with separate bedrooms from the main area. Made travelling with out toddler much easy having his own room to sleep and play in. Rooms are slightly dated but nice and would stay here again.

  • Josh Fyfe

    Josh Fyfe


    King size bed had a great bedroom window looking outside, 12 floor so the view was not great but higher floors would be nicer for sure. Big room, nice kitchenette even had an oven, fridge and tiny freezer. Very big "living room" area. Would go again, try to get higher floor for the view. No balcony with our room.

  • en

    Simon Leung


    Quality service and rooms are very cleanly. Rooms have great city views! Restaurant food is always good.

  • Casey Harris

    Casey Harris


    Nice hotel. Staff are nice and courteous. All rooms I've stayed at (as a business guest) feature a kitchenette stocked with silverware and plates. Some rooms even feature a seating area for your guests (like a small one bed apartment). Beautiful view of the city and great location, with many bars and restaurants all within walking distance.

  • en

    Consumer Account


    Great location, walking distance to so many food options that in discovering more each day, more than I can visit in my 1 week visit. I even discovered a playmate right downstairs for any forgotten sundries. Even though our rooms were opposite the elevators, it was quiet in the living room. The rooms are clean and the bedrooms bright with the floor to ceiling windows. I've been making tea and coffee each day in the kitchenette. The only drawback is the small amount of counter space, tiny mugs and no dishwasher.

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