Roma Barber Shop i Ottawa

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CanadaRoma Barber Shop



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233, Elgin Street, K2P 1L6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-235-3841
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4188012, Longitude: -75.6910095

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dan Evenson


    Great place...been going there since the sixties and the only difference is my hair went from blond to grey..the brothers are good people..price is right as well...

  • en

    Damien Leduc-Dale


    A nice hole in the wall barbershop with exceptional prices and amazing quality. If you're searching for a barber, look no further than Roma Barber Shop.

  • en



    Perhaps Ottawa's last true barber shop. This is not a franchise - you will not find "barbers" in their 20's with no experience here. The two barbers have been cutting hair at this location since the 1980s. It is always the perfect haircut, exactly what you ask for. It does takes time though, both in the chair and the wait, but if you want to go to a no bells and whistles shop that actually knows how to cut hair this is the place. The barbershop is also open on Saturdays if you cant get downtown during the week.

  • Mark Hughes

    Mark Hughes


    Great haircuts at a good price. Don't expect any bells and whistles, but I keep coming back for a good hair cut from professional barbers.

  • Sergio Jaume

    Sergio Jaume


    Fantastic haircut. Hole-in-the-wall barber shop that is a gem to find. The men there have dedicated 30 years to master their craft and like to take their time to make your haircut the best it can be. It may not be flashy like most barbershops nowadays but they know what they're doing.

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