Rockcliffe Flying Club i Ottawa

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CanadaRockcliffe Flying Club



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1495, Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway, K1K 4Y5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-746-4425
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4621339, Longitude: -75.6457232

kommentar 5

  • en

    Neil Goulet


    Rockliffe Flying Club is a great home base for students, renters and owners alike. It is well situated in Ottawa and run by a great team of pilots and flying enthusiasts. As a rental pilot, I appreciate the flexibility in the online booking system and the constant availability of a plane when I need one. The fleet is well maintained and the facilities are welcoming. I fully recommend Rockliffe Flying Club!

  • Gino Cavicchioli

    Gino Cavicchioli


    Love this airport. Near Ottawa, accessible without an airplane transponder. Great stuff. Fantastic location.

  • Phelonius Friar

    Phelonius Friar


    I got my private pilot license (and night and VFR OTT ratings) here and when I moved back to Ottawa in 2009, I looked around again but went right back to Rockcliffe to fly. I am working on completing my commercial license there and also to fly for pleasure. Their aircraft are well maintained and there is a culture of safety that I really appreciate. I have encouraged or even purchaced introductory flying lessons for many people through Rockcliffe, and I have literally seen it change people's lives. Introductory flights are wonderfully affordable for nearly everyone to at least try flying (as I write this it can be as low as $85 or $90, but it is sure to go up over the years), although a license definitely costs a lot to get... there is always the possibility to book sightseeing flights if you just want to get into the air. They are also very inclusive and provide a safe space for women to learn to fly, hone their skills, and just go up for fun (they won the 2014 award for being the "Most Female-Pilot-Friendly Training Center" in Canada, and came in 2nd worldwide). Add to that their full-motion flight simulator, pilot's lounge, classroom/flight-prep area, and the chance to talk with people who have been flying longer than I've been alive while enjoying a burger charcoal broiled on the half-barrel at Tony's Mile High BBQ, and you can see whey their motto is "where friends come to fly".

  • en

    Aly El-Iraki


    Always a pleasure to go fly there. Very helpful front office dispatchers. I was lucky to have Ryan Johnson as my - patient! - instructor. Great effort in the demanding job of keeping the airport and the aircraft up to standard. If you consider learning to fly, this is the place.

  • Katie Adelson

    Katie Adelson


    Rockcliffe Flying Club is a warm and friendly place where friends go to fly. The staff are all very helpful and passionate about aviation. They go above and beyond to satisfy their customers. The flight instructors have a good range of skills and make flying easy for everyone! I'd recommend visiting the Club and booking a sightseeing flight. You'll see Ottawa like never before!

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