Red Door Provisions de Ottawa

CanadaRed Door Provisions



🕗 horaire

117, Beechwood Avenue, K1M 1L6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-695-6804
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.441688, Longitude: -75.6730288

commentaires 5

  • Jon Moore

    Jon Moore


    Great local spot. Tables are cramped so not recommended as a place to work with a laptop, but the coffee beans are great and there's some gluten free options.

  • en

    Nicole Rutkowski


    Super cute local cafe! Very friendly staff, great atmosphere. Highly recommend!

  • Sam H

    Sam H


    One of my absolute must visits whenever I’m in Ottawa. Great food, friendly service, and always improving espresso. They outdo themselves every time I visit. Pop-Tart pics on Instagram tempt me into returning as I love ravioli for breakfast.

  • Yoshuna



    Superb staff and good seating area! I tried the lavender honey latte and it was delicious. I always appreciate a pretty latte design! I would definitely recommend this place to family and friends. This cafe is more of a chatty place, though think it would be good for students wanting to study as well. It’s clean and aesthetically pleasing!

  • MegPies Baking

    MegPies Baking


    Wonderful place for a quick trip or to sit down. I love the white wall/wood combo. Their homemade preserves and granola are fantastic. Great coffee sources. Your handcrafted beverage will take a few minutes, but you can taste the care and patience that goes into your drink.

Café la plus proche

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