Red Deer Inn i Red Deer

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRed Deer Inn


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7444, Gaetz Avenue, T4P 1X7, Red Deer, Division No. 8, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 587-802-4806
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.3015748, Longitude: -113.8143355

kommentar 5

  • en

    Franchesca Forbes


    Surprisingly nice for the price. New management are doing a great job of turning it around.

  • en

    Frank Richard


    Be careful of this place. They're charging your credit card after you check out accusing patrons of stealing towels. I mean, they have the shittiest towels, who'd wanna steal those?! Check your statement and beware. That's quite a scam they're pulling!

  • Rich Tason

    Rich Tason


    DONT DO IT!!! Checked in at midnight, after a long day on the roads- walked in to an ice box they called a room - the one heater they have in the room took until about 5 am to bring the temp up so you could take off your coat. Then the 6:20 am wake up call came at 5:20 am - yes I complained - tried to call the desk half way through the night - no answer. Upon checkout, also complained - attitude was "so what do you want me to do about It's and shrugged the when experience off.

  • Justin Timberiver

    Justin Timberiver


    Stayed for 2 weeks. Staff were not nosy, which I like. The room next door had someone groaning in pain all night, I presume he was beat in there bad. We left our door ajar for air circulation one night and a hooker walked inside. When I woke up and saw her she just asked if she could borrow a lighter. I gave her 2 (crack burns lighters out quickly) and sent her away. When we were leaving someone walked by and said I shouldn't stand in the doorway because I might get shot. Fun stay, good party spot, but not safe. If that's your thing, come to this hotel and get cracked out. If you are looking for inexpensive yet somewhere kids can stay too, the Super 8 across the street is only an extra $10 per night.

  • Leonard Winn

    Leonard Winn


    Not great hotel but cheap good restaurant attached great stakes

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