Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Gatineau/Manoir du Casino i Gatineau

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CanadaRamada Plaza by Wyndham Gatineau/Manoir du Casino



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75, Rue d'Edmonton, J8Y 6W9, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-777-7538
internet side: www.wyndhamhotels.com
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Latitude: 45.4495418, Longitude: -75.7308932

kommentar 5

  • Raymond Keith

    Raymond Keith


    Stayed here for one week and loved the place, overall a great place, i remember i paid not too much for my stay and everything was excellent. Sam and Brooklyn at the front desk were super nice too!

  • Nile Livesey

    Nile Livesey


    Stayed here several times now. Large capacity with plenty of rooms, most of which have been renovated with laminate flooring and newer décor. Still needs some renovation though, some of the rooms are older and so are the hallways.

  • en

    Michael Gr


    Hard wood flooring in the suites instead of carpet ment I could hear the guy walking back and forth upstairs.. and there was a lot of it to late hours.

  • en



    Great place. Staff was friendly and accommodating. We never used the pool but went to have a look and it was very well maintained. Within walking distance of the casino and grocery store. We would definitely go back.

  • Chris Thompson

    Chris Thompson


    I had reserved a double for a colleague and myself that we're attending an event nearby. The rooms were very clean and we'll laid out. Comfortable beds with a full sized bathroom including a jet tub. Site also has a swimming pool. On site restaurant is slightly expensive but the quality was really good. The only less than appealing thing to say was that although the hotel did offer currency exchange. The rate was a dollar for a dollar. Not good with the current US exchange rate. The hotel staff did offer a solution for the issue though. To either use a credit card that would automatically do the current exchange rate. Or to go to the nearby casino that would exchange currency at the right rate.

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