Quality Inn Airport West i Mississauga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaQuality Inn Airport West



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50, Britannia Road East, L4Z 2G2, Mississauga, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-890-1200
internet side: www.choicehotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.6267504, Longitude: -79.6776709

kommentar 5

  • Courtney Reich

    Courtney Reich


    Good value. Clean rooms. Check in was quick, but it took an hour to get the crib we had requested, which cut into an already short night before an early flightbout.

  • Tina Tee

    Tina Tee


    We are here once a week when we're in town and the staff have been very accommodating. The rooms are very clean and rates are affordable. Modern furniture and flat screen TVs. There is a complimentary hot breakfast buffet with your stay. We highly recommend this hotel for our family and friends that want to come and visit. Thank you!!

  • en



    Close to airport but not very noisy. The hotel staff is really friendly and makes it a very good place to stay. Besides that, rooms are clean and comfortable. Breakfast is good and there are a lot of options to choice. The hotel includes an outdoor parking for free.

  • en

    Neelofer Khan


    Central location reasonable rooms and OK service. Service needs more improvement depending on which car u come across. Fitness centre and location are great. Neighborhood is nice safe and worthwhile.

  • Pavan Patel

    Pavan Patel


    It's was a nice stay at the Hotel. Clean and rooms are spacious. Gym is quite small but that does not matter much. Staff are very kind, pleasing attitude and ready to help. Breakfast served was also good and hot (but should mention the name of dishes served). Nice location . Would definitely recommend all.

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