Private Eye Security Inc i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPrivate Eye Security Inc



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251, Laurier Avenue West, K1P 5J6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-686-1966
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.419643, Longitude: -75.696847

kommentar 5

  • Mason



    Incredible service! Adolf is friendly, honest and knowledgeable! Got to PES if you want the best!

  • David Galindo

    David Galindo


    Great customer service and excellent security systems. Adolf is incredibly knowledgeable and provides great advice.

  • en

    Rafat Haq


    Adolph Riachi is a very nice man. I have thus far contacted him on many occasions for advice and he listened with great patience and showing great manners. I found him to be very professional and I would assure anyone seeking consultation (before purchase) to feel at ease because he won't pressure you into buying anything. A 5 star rating from me based on what I experienced!

  • en

    G.Nicolas Assali


    To the group of security professionals at Private.Eye, I wanted to offer my gratitude for the recent service install in my new home in Findley Creek. You’re genuine, courteous, informative and top quality advice has surpassed my expectations when it comes to home monitoring and protection. My recent experience with another larger provider in the industry left a bad taste in my mouth; but when my neighbor told me about you, I thought a call wouldn’t hurt. What impressed me the most was the time you invested to educate, engage and involve me throughout the process. Your knowledgeable staff members explained the nuances of key alarm features that will help keep both my family and property safe; features that cost me an arm and a leg with the other provider. I would certainly recommend PES to anyone looking for the right security provider and does not want to tie themselves up into convoluted contracts. Keep up the great work guys.

  • en

    Marc Riachi


    We enjoyed dealing with their staff. Service was quick, professional and honest. For those reasons we chose to go with them rather than the 3 other companies that quoted us. Their attention to detail and commitment to ensure that the services we received were what our family needed. We highly recommend them.

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