Prince George Lufthavn i Prince George

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPrince George Lufthavn



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4141, Airport Road, V2N 4M6, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-963-2400
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.8841132, Longitude: -122.6739882

kommentar 5

  • Christopher of the Stubbs family

    Christopher of the Stubbs family


    Arrive at the god awful hour of 4:40am for a 5:10 boarding. The woman running the xray clearly has no idea what she is doing and became quite concerned about my carry on. My luggage was then riffled through by some guy named Vic because apparently a bar of soap was cause for alarm. After completely messing up my meticulous packing job, Vic then began a half assed effort at repacking it which would have resulted in not even being able to zip the suitcase back up. I said "come on, Vic you know it was packed better than that". His response was to say to me "Have fun" and walked away leaving me to repack my entire suitcase. My girlfriend was singled out for a 'random' patdown by the female security guard who is clearly a sick pervert. Her eyes were on my girlfriend from the moment we entered the security area. It was a blatant grope down by a sick woman who uses her so-called authority to get her jollies. An absolutely sickening experience from top to bottom. As if Prince George doesn't suck enough, but now you can't even leave without harrassment and violation.

  • Carolyn J

    Carolyn J


    Minimal services, and tiny security checkpoint with staff more interested in talking than working.

  • en

    Chris Holmstrup


    Closed at 1:00 am and opens at 4:00 am so be prepared to stand out side during the winter with no benches to even sit on.

  • J.P. Muldoe

    J.P. Muldoe


    Compared to similarly sized cities, this airport is much faster to get through. Lines for check in and security can usually be completed within 20 minutes or less!

  • en

    scott dueck


    Nice place to fly out of but make sure you don't miss your flight!!;-)

nærmeste Lufthavn

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