Ponte Plumbing Supplies de Toronto

CanadaPonte Plumbing Supplies



🕗 horaire

227, Geary Avenue, M6H 2C1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-516-0005
site web: www.ponteplumbing.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6692594, Longitude: -79.4390299

commentaires 5

  • Saran Garvin

    Saran Garvin


    they don't know how to behave

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    Lenore Lewis


    Super nice, friendly , very knowledgeable. Spent hours trying to get a pin into a moen faucet, finally went to them after our pin broke They gave us the pin, showed us how to put it together with the pin. Saved us from having to get a plumber. Phoned another place and they had no idea what I was talking about.

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    Derek Ferreira



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    Chris Luis


    Good staff

  • Lina Rodrigues

    Lina Rodrigues


    I have gone to Ponte Plumbing to order all my Kitchen facets & sinks/bathroom facets, and other execeries and was very happy with the service I got. Filipe & Gabriela were very attentive patiente and friendly serving me with my order . I will defenatly return to Ponte Pumbing for Future !! I would highly recomend anyone including friend and family, you will not be disapinted. thanks, Lina Rodrigues

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