Plaza Bowl i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPlaza Bowl



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1799, Garden Street, P3A 5E7, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 705-566-0201
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.520744, Longitude: -80.931371

kommentar 5

  • Lise Guescini

    Lise Guescini


    Great day at the Special Olympics 5 Pin Bowling Tournament, much fun had by all

  • simivercity409 zach .cindric

    simivercity409 zach .cindric


    Really good staff and service and love the snack bar

  • Francine Ralph

    Francine Ralph


    Great time. Good music. Only problem was we had to flag the staff every five minutes since the lane would stop working. Had to wait for another lane to open, which wasn't long. Didn't really matter too much since we drank and socialized

  • en

    Jocelyne Benoit snuggles30


    I had bolwed there many years ago and was surprised that their prices were not bad at all. My grandson had his birthday party there and was very impressed with the amount of food on each child's plate.

  • Sarah Poffley

    Sarah Poffley


    Bowling here is a blast for any age. The food is amazing and the service couldn't be better, I was here last week on a date and we had a wonderful night playing pool and having a few drinks. This is the perfect place for adult Christmas parties or kids birthday parties, no matter the occasion you're garenteed a great time and quality service.

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