Playland /PNE Admin Office i Vancouver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPlayland /PNE Admin Office



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2901, East Hastings Street, V5K 5J1, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-253-2311
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Latitude: 49.2828105, Longitude: -123.0364894

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ashley Hogg


    Pne space is great. PNE itself has been going down hill as of late. Miss the crash up derby cars or monster trucks. Also seem to be less other things going on. Wish more events could be held there like the Vancouver craft beer week is. Playland is too expensive for it's size. Needs more rides.

  • en

    Jennifer Madison


    Went to the Chinese Lantern Festival in January. No handicapped parking at.all and parking's expensive. There was parking though so that's good! Festival was good, lots of brightly- lit pandas, flowers, and dragons, and live ethnic dance. Tho drizzly weather and not enough garbage bins! The fairgrounds are good - but there needs to be cheaper parking if they want people to visit frequently, and they should provide handicapped parking!!

  • Bangaly Kourouma

    Bangaly Kourouma


    Wonderful place for everyone. Free dranks, alcohol etc and the guy the bartender is awesome their free breakfast is than any five hotels breakfast . I will stay there again

  • en

    Dee Bennett


    We visited the Chinese Lantern Festival. It was great, only downside was how cold and wet it was (which couldn't be helped). My kids really enjoyed it as well

  • Sean Thomson

    Sean Thomson


    Very expensive. But the kids loved it. Take advantage of the nightly concerts by pretty famous performers. Stay away from the game zone but hut the haunted house for sure. Lots of food but not cheap. Water is hard to find. The 4H stuff with the animals is awesome and the old wooden roster coaster is one of a kind. The biggest rides are extra and parking is hard to find and expensive.

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