Petro-Canada i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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470, Bronson Avenue, K1R 6J9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-321-1264
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.407413, Longitude: -75.7038568

kommentar 5

  • Kevin C

    Kevin C


    Ive always had good service here so 5stars :P

  • Yves Burume

    Yves Burume


    Love Petro they'll always be my number 1

  • en

    Streets Reader


    This gas station is close to a highway access point. Unfortunately I had to pay at least $7 more to fill up at this gas station instead of filling up in Rockland because I wanted to collect Petro points and the cost was about $0.11 more per liter. There didn't appear to be a car wash at this location either.

  • en

    DR. Osborne


    A few times when I got gas there - the outside pump read one price/ number and the inside cashier told me a higher price. Im not sure if this is a calibration issue or what. It was mere penny's- but just the principle. Otherwise it's fine i guess.

  • en

    review wizard


    Very expensive fuel even though a couple seconds earlier than this store, the other gas station has a much better price. Very bad!!!

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