Party Stuff & U-Rent-It w Winnipeg

KanadaParty Stuff & U-Rent-It



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925, Milt Stegall Drive, R3G 3H7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
kontakt telefon: +1 204-786-8756
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 49.8926938, Longitude: -97.1977294

komentarze 5

  • Gordon Challes

    Gordon Challes


    This is a great place to rent dishes, glasses, tables, with all the trimmings for a big party or dinner. You do not have to wash the dishes before you return them. Book ahead.

  • Seleni casa

    Seleni casa


    The only party supply store in Winnipeg that is decent both with items and pricing. Unicorn theme for your little girl? A banquet theme for a 25th wedding anniversary? They got it 🤗 Thanks guys for making a little girls unicorn dreams come true 👍

  • Melissa Darla

    Melissa Darla


    Placed an order for balloons and a helium tank rental for my sister's baby shower. We were given a pickup time which ended up being after hours. Next morning went to pick up our balloons and they were still not blown up. Was told we would have to wait approximately 1 hour because of walk up customers. Annoying but what can you do. Got the balloons and tank and went home. On Monday, the day we were to return the tank, I received a phone call from the rental department informing me that if the tank wasn't returned by 4pm my credit card would be charged for another day. Only problem with that is I was at work and unable to go, and on my bill it stated drop off time was 5:30pm. However, they had taken my copy of the bill upon pickup. Made rushed arrangements to return the tank and was handed back my original bill with the 530pm drop off time circled. It made an already busy weekend even more stressful. Will not be returning to this location.

  • Miles Reid

    Miles Reid


    If your having a party and need supplies....the only place in town. Great prices. Well informed staff. Good customes for dress up year round and tons for Halloween. Always a fun visit.

  • Ashley Miller

    Ashley Miller


    If you can't find what you really want for your party at the dollar store, you can shop here. Although it has everything for any party you can think of (wedding, baby shower, Halloween, birthday...) It is very expensive. The $1 plastic table cloths at the dollar store are over $5 here. Exact same brand. It's also very cramped. The aisles are too small and stuffed. I really like their helium balloon service though. Easy to order and pick up and the prices are okay.

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