Pantages Hotel Toronto i Toronto

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CanadaPantages Hotel Toronto



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200, Victoria Street, M5B 1V8, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 416-362-1777
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6545148, Longitude: -79.3790176

kommentar 5

  • Ardalan Barghi

    Ardalan Barghi


    Visited here for a bachelor party. We had a poker game and music going till 4am and nobody bothered us about it which was great however we had to go through some hoops to get ice and there weren't enough towels for the amount of people staying. Bed was comfortable and room was clean. Parking is not free or on-site. Overall a very positive stay though.

  • en

    Carey Smith


    The front desk was very accommodating. They gave us free upgrades because we were downtown for a special occasion and gave us the best fit to find parking in the area to fit our needs. This was a big plus. The hotel room is okay. It is somewhat newly renovated, but the finishes are cheap and not properly installed. The flooring was hastily installed in our room, leaving large gaps between the laminate making it uncomfortable to walk on. The mattress is HARD, so my wife had an uncomfortable sleep. At least the pillows in our room came in various support levels (two firm, two soft). It is in a prime location and I understand that part of the price is access to Y&D square, but there are a few shortcomings I didn't expect in a hotel of this size and price.

  • Michelle Pflug

    Michelle Pflug


    Terrible service from housekeeping. First of all, they charged us $15 for 2 Evian bottles which we never drank. Then, my poor husband was struck with the flu and because we had to replace all the bedding they charged us another $85+HST!!! Then, the toilet was not working and they refused to move us to another room without additional charges "assuring" us that it was working before we arrived and it must have been my husband's fault! I seriously considered dragging my husband to St. Mike's across the street and all they do is bring me a flimsy toilet plunger and replacement bedding for a twin bed (our bed was king size). The two stars are for the great service at the bar. I apologize, his name escapes me but really nice guy. Otherwise, the location is OK, noisy with the hospital outside our window. Room was tired and run down but clean.

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    Elisa Choi


    The overall location is great, and the hotel room was modern and chic. Loved the spa as well, which came with a Jacuzzi, sauna, and a steam room. The gym equipment were good to use, although there was a few the could've been tightened. My only minor complaint is that the room smelled strongly of cologne that won't leave my bag alone still. I'd stay again though. The rain shower head was so nice!

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    Angie McCabe


    Awesome boutique type hotel. Customer service at the front desk was top notch. Room was very spacious and comfortable. Furniture starting to show its age, several paint scratches. Great central downtown location. Overall, great experience. One plugs on the desk or night tables. I was there overnight on business, not convenient for working. I had to move the bed to find an extension cord behind it to plug in my phone overnight. I ended up forgetting my charger as a result

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