Ottawa Muslim Association i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaOttawa Muslim Association



🕗 åbningstider

251, Northwestern Avenue, K1Y 0M1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-722-8763
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4012, Longitude: -75.7415084

kommentar 5

  • Ian Wheezy

    Ian Wheezy


    I got at a bus station close to this mosque so my phone died so I go to the mosque and say assalam-walikum because I’m Muslim and I know the mosque I say sir Can I come in and charge my phone 10 minutes so I can call someone since I took the wrong bus and I wanted to call my dad to pick me up since I had no change on me and he’s says to me no and there’s no we’re you can charge you phone in here I find that very rude cause if it was someone else they would have said yes and there’s a plug in the mosque some were

  • Adam J

    Adam J


    Great, clean, spacious masjid. There are always events going on for brothers as well as sisters and the administration is great compared to other mosques in Ottawa.

  • Ovais Mateen

    Ovais Mateen


    Prayed Jummah here while visiting Ottawa. From the Aazan to Janazah prayer everything was covered in various languages. The sermon was beautifully given. The points to be included and volunteer and be part of the community was well delivered.

  • Ahmed Louahadj

    Ahmed Louahadj


    Prayed at this mosque 🕌 while visiting Ottawa. What a great masjid this is. Thanks to all of those in charge of keeping it open.

  • en

    Nawaz Alam


    I guess it was the first mosque in Ottawa. Nice mosque with free parking. They do community events too. Gets very busy on Fridays. Shaikh is good. Multilevel space for men and women.

nærmeste Moske

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