Ottawa Marriott Hotel i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaOttawa Marriott Hotel



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100, Kent Street, K1P 5R7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-238-1122
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.419834, Longitude: -75.703546

kommentar 5

  • Bryan Blend

    Bryan Blend


    Great for the kids! Pool and kids area was perfect. Clean and friendly staff. Right near parliament and good eats, so no need to eat in the hotel.

  • Chris Litton

    Chris Litton


    Rooms are great. View is wonderful if you are lucky to be up higher. Concierge Lounge is dated and disappointing, definitely not up to the level of the newer lounges being installed around the country.

  • Greg Hill

    Greg Hill


    Stay here regularly for business. Consistently clean, very comfortable, quiet and excellent staff. The gym is well above those available in almost any other hotel you'll stay at. Reasonably sized pool and the kids I see in it seem to have fun. Games room for the kids as well. Centrally located for tourist or business needs.

  • Kim Lauretta

    Kim Lauretta


    The staff were welcoming and friendly. The hotel room was spotless and comfortable. We had 2 small kids that loved the pool and kids room. We will definitely return as well as stay at other Mariott hotels.

  • Amanda K.T

    Amanda K.T


    Great experience! Check in was fast and efficient as always and all the staff was incredibly kind (at check in, the waiters at the restaurant, and the concierge service.) The beds are comfy, most of the rooms are large, a little dated, but if you are lucky, you can get an awesome view! The hotel is very well situated. Their restaurant serves great food options for everyone to enjoy and the prices are great as well. (They even have a build your own salad option which I absolutely love!) All in all, great experience!

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