Ottawa Embassy Hotel and Suites i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaOttawa Embassy Hotel and Suites


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25, Cartier Street, K2P 1J2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-237-2111
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4196801, Longitude: -75.6888002

kommentar 5

  • en

    Loraine Mooney


    Very quiet, excellent location, good price for a full suite with kitchenette. Coopers Grill was open late and the food and beer just right. I'd go back anytime.

  • en

    Patrizia Scozzese


    Great location. Terrible hotel. Photos give the impression of a boutique hotel but the rooms have merely been given a face lift. Kitchen missing basic amenities like paper towels. The bed sheets of one of the sofa beds in our room was not changed from previous guests. This was COMPLETELY unacceptable and the front desk was not empathetic. Our room was on the 2nd floor and it sounded like a military helicopter was taking off throughout the day and night.

  • Che Latchford

    Che Latchford


    Great place with spacious rooms and friendly staff. If you are staying in Ottawa, this is a definite must stay. Great family option as well with a huge living area and kitchenette. Very nice place.

  • fr

    Dafnée Després


    Superbe suite en coin avec grande vitrines. Très grand salon, cuisine tout inclus, petite salle de bain mais super belle et très belle chambre. Très propre. Petit balcon. Lit très confortable. Seul défaut : ce n'est pas très insonorisée entre les chambres.

  • en

    Rachel Purdy


    Great place! Love that there's parking. I find the rooms to be very nice and spacious. Very comfortable beds and pillows! Restaurant doesn't have the best food in my opinion but there are lots of restaurants nearby on Elgin st. Very convenient to get to the downtown area.

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