Oshawa Centre i Oshawa

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CanadaOshawa Centre



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419, King Street West, L1J 2K5, Oshawa, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-728-6231
internet side: www.oshawacentre.com
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Latitude: 43.8904354, Longitude: -78.8785311

kommentar 5

  • Saleem Jessa

    Saleem Jessa


    Ooh Oshawa mall. What a horrible little mall. They are working on it to make it better. But this place still had a long way to go. Like from Toronto to Los Angles long way..... This mall doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not even sure how it's arranged. But it does have all the basic necessities of all the over-priced stuff you find in all the major retail outlets. Their Santa Claus picture thing during winter is very nicely setup though.

  • P. Duke

    P. Duke


    From what it used to be, it's coming along nicely! Lots of renovations, new stores provides a breath of change. Food court selection is fantastic and I love that there's an underground parking garage now. All their missing is big anchor store like Wal-Mart (although I know there's one down the street) and then I could do all of my shopping at one place.

  • en

    zak sadek


    First time after the make over and I'm impressed. The place is very clean and stuffed with many vendors. The food court is amazing with foods from all over the world. Parking is ample and is wheelchair accessible. The only area for improvement is the number of trash bins. It can be a tad more instead of being very sparsely spaced.

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    Stephanie Osborne


    The new renovated Oshawa Centre is huge now! So many stores to choose from, and the food court is massive with tons of restaurants. The mall is nice and clean and modern looking now, they even have valet parking! Covered parking garage ($) as well as huge outdoor parking lot on both sides of the mall that is free. Easy to get to also, as this mall is on a main road in Oshawa that has a new hwy 401 exit (Stevenson Rd). No movie theatre though, which is in my opinion a bummer. A few new sit down restaurants in the mall with entrances from the outside not included in the food court. Just waiting for the Apple Store to hopefully come to this mall, doesn't feel like a major mall to me without one!

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    Rene Toyer


    I really like this mall, mainly because of all the malls like it's kind in Ontario this one isn't as loud and crazy with people. Not to say there isn't a good bit of people there at any given time but the space and location seems to draw in a calmer crowd...which I love versus an Eaton Square kind of mall.... There are all the stores like most big malls, a pretty good selection in the food court, great stores on the outside as well, inclusive of bars and lounges... Enough parking, easy to get to via Bus especially for Oshawa locals, many entrances so anywhere you park your car is close enough to an entrance... The stores generally have good staff who are helpful, there are many stores that do nails, waxing and all types of grooming, they are all pretty much on the same level and do good quality work... The entire mall itself is very clean and beautiful, seems freshly updated as well as all the washrooms... I definitely recommend this mall!

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