Old Navy de Gran Sudbury

CanadaOld Navy


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Gran Sudbury, Ontario P3B 4K6, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1
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Latitude: 46.5017165, Longitude: -80.9405899

commentaires 1

  • Mary Abdelsayed

    Mary Abdelsayed


    I’m not a fan of old navy in general. The store is big and decided into sections. They have a big variety and even the e.l.f. Cosmetics. The first time I got their products was there. Their end of season sales are amazing. I got shorts for about $4. Staff are not super friendly but no complaints. There was an incident when the sign showed 40% off that didn’t come up at register and employee argued that it is the Color that’s not on sale which wasn’t the case. I had to go back take a picture of the sign and come back to get the discount. I did get it at the end of the day as they have forgotten to remove the sign from the day before. Returning with original receipt is super fast. Fitting rooms are clean and organized. I find their stuff cheap and bad quality compared to gap which is owned by the same company and just at the end of the same plaza.

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