Nucci's Gelati de Winnipeg

CanadaNucci's Gelati



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643, Corydon Avenue, R3M 0W3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-475-8765
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8721934, Longitude: -97.1495786

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jesse Mass


    The best. All the gelato is great. It honestly makes me wonder what the other places on the Corydon strip are thinking with what they are serving out to people. Don’t take my word for it though - just check the pictures on the back wall where you can see the indispensable Jennifer Tilly thinks it’s top notch too. So don’t get goosed - because I’m a Liar Liar if you don’t feel at Home on the Range at Nucci’s.

  • en

    Victor Lopes


    The owner and staff are wonderful. I was in for coffee with my two semi-wild toddlers. They were kind enough to make a couple of cappuccinos for my kids with the coffee held back. We were in before the lunch rush so it made it easy for the kids to have the run of the place. We all had a great time. We'll be back!

  • jason diamond

    jason diamond


    Absolutely excellent home-cooked Italian food. As well as the first and best homemade Italian gelato in the city of Winnipeg. They treat everybody like family and take pride in what they do!

  • Richard A. Weiss

    Richard A. Weiss


    Had one of the best home style italian meals ever on Saturday. Everything was perfect!

  • Tennille Bartelings

    Tennille Bartelings


    My favourite gelato! Great flavour options and friendly owners who take pride in their place of business. We were even able to pick up fresh Italian sausage to take home and make for dinner. 😍

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