Northern Property REIT i Yellowknife

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaNorthern Property REIT


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4916, 47 Street, X1A 1L8, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 867-920-2909
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Latitude: 62.4562052, Longitude: -114.3696548

kommentar 1

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    Jane Ferraz


    They discriminate big time against people on income support.They were very excited to rent my daughter and 1 yr old grandchild a 2 bedroom,they had it ready for viewing until they knew she was on Income support.They all of a sudden gave us the runaround while trying everything to deter my daughter from wanting to rent their place.the agent said" well we can give you a 1 bedroom but your granddaughter will have to use the storage room as a bedroom!Ridiculous! Plus they charge way too much for their sand stone south places that are infested with bed bugs. They should lower the rents in that building at least for the tenants having to live with bugs! I am so happy that they didn`t want to rent to my daughter after all. It was a blessing in disguise! Shameful!

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