Nettoyeur T Brilotti de Montréal

CanadaNettoyeur T Brilotti



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382 Av Laurier O, H2V 2K7, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-276-3721
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5190587, Longitude: -73.5961672

commentaires 5

  • David Lauzon

    David Lauzon


    Great service! They consider quality seriously! I had a heavily stained shirt, and they completely restored as new for no extra charge! Definetely recommended for precious clothes

  • Murtaza Khushal

    Murtaza Khushal


    Very overpriced compared to other dry cleaners and the example of work is in the picture below. The lady the desk has no customer service skills at all. They just want to get the job done and not tell you if its done properly even after payment.

  • fr

    Jade Z


    Service impeccable! Ne surcharge jamais. Dans les prix pour nettoyeur de confiance à Montréal.

  • en

    Isabelle SIMON


    White dress had spots remained after the cleaning. Nobody told us anything even after payment. We discovered it by ourselves and the personnel when asked said they place a label on the dress without having the decency to mention it. Very poor client orientation.

  • en

    Etienne Lemieux


    So much unnecessary attitude from the woman at the front. Worst customer service, especially considering how expensive their dry cleaning is. Do not recommend Nettoyeur Brilotti and will never return.

Blanchisserie la plus proche

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