National Gallery of Canada i Ottawa

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CanadaNational Gallery of Canada



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380, Sussex Drive, K1N 9N4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-990-1985
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.429535, Longitude: -75.6989062

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ian Sernoskie


    Every time I come here I see something new. The staff are helpful and informative, while the exhibits are well maintained and at times provocative and/or elegant. The facility has a great boutique and restaurant. The outdoor monuments and view of the Ottawa River and Parliament Hill also can’t be beat. If you’re a lover of the visual arts, then I highly recommend you visit.

  • M C

    M C


    Very cool gallery with a varied scope on fine art pieces. It was a great place to spend the day or a few hours examining and appreciating art; great location for a date, family excursion, friendly outing or field trip. As I've heard, they host several weddings in the Great Hall.

  • Kimberly Williamson

    Kimberly Williamson


    We thought 3 hours would be plenty of time to view the entire gallery - we were very wrong! Please set aside an entire day to view this gallery in its entirety. There is so much beautiful art! And the security staff are abundant and very helpful. Even the gift shop was awesome, with tons of gorgeous merchandise. There is also a coat check which was helpful.

  • en

    Jemma Reil


    This is a great museum. It is right downtown, within walking distance of the market and a lot of parks. There are also some installations outside, which makes for a great place to sit and relax in the summer. The building itself is beautiful and the art is always interesting. There are also interactive projects and crafts to keep kids busy. I would recommend this museum to anyone no matter their age or interests. I think there is something for everyone here. Also, thursdays there is free entrance

  • Adrian Petterson

    Adrian Petterson


    The National Gallery is a beautiful building full of great artwork. Lots of stuff for kids and adults. I loved the modern and contemporary art. My main complaint is that the Native Arts section is very limited. I would have liked to see better representation of native populations.

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