Motel Du Chevalier i Gatineau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMotel Du Chevalier


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169, Boulevard Gréber, J8T 3R1, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-568-9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4709271, Longitude: -75.7007087

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Étienne Pharand


    Pire séjour pour moi et mon partner. Nous fesons le tour du Québec et cest de loin le pire service qu'on ait reçu. Fourmis dans les chambre, clé qui ne fonctionne pas a 3 reprises, odeurs dans les chambre et des erreurs au service.

  • en

    Dave Mayot-Gagné


    I've been here a few times for 3-5 days work trips. The rooms are good, the beds are comfy and the cleaning staff do a really nice job! The only thing is the poor wi-fi connection.

  • fr

    Too Saoul LPP


    Chaleureux et paisible. Jai été accueillit comme un ami dès le début. La l'aire de piscine et le paysagement relaxant est agreable. Sans mentionner le petit déjeuner fournit le matin ;-)

  • David Bailey

    David Bailey


    Stayed here on Saturday, February 17, and it was nice enough that we decided to stay a second night. Inexpensive motels in Gatineau seem to be easier to find than across the river in Ottawa, so that was the primary reason for our choice. Our room did not seem to be extremely well sealed from outside air, the smokers in the parking lot outside the next room could be smelled, and the parking lot was rather icy, but those are the only real complaints I can think of. No dining facilities, but coffee makers are in the rooms, coffee and tea are also available at the front desk, and a boxed breakfast snack is available if requested. Good restaurants and shopping within walking distance.

  • Markus Moser

    Markus Moser


    Gut gelegen

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