Monsoon Thunder Bay de Thunder Bay

CanadaMonsoon Thunder Bay



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588, Arthur Street West, P7E 5R7, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-286-6315
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3805019, Longitude: -89.2942461

commentaires 5

  • Ron Ron

    Ron Ron


    After hearing lots of friends talk about how good the food was here and checking out the menu online we decided to give this place a try on Valentine's day. I called a couple days in advance to see if reservations were needed and made a reservation. We get to the restaurant and are seated and the waiter asked if we are having the buffet and we said no we would like to order off the menu. Waiter then tells us that because it's Valentine's day it is just buffet.(extremely over priced in my opinion...2 buffets and 1 tea and 1 beer was just shy of 90 dollars). I asked the waiter why when I made the reservation that I was not told it would be buffet only... no answer. We decide to stay regardless. The food was good not great and the service poor. I highly doubt I will go back to this eatery.




    Very bad service....ordered beef curry and naan. The curry had no taste and naan was too hard. The only good thing were the desserts.

  • en

    Sam B


    I was looking for a Chinese food "dinner for 3" alternative and we tried Monsoon's dinner for 4. Great flavour! For the price I'd like if the portions were a little bigger/ meatier but the naan was excellent and so was the rice. My kids enjoyed it as well. Really nice to be able to choose between chicken and paneer at no extra cost too. Friendly staff, we'll definitely be repeat customers!

  • Lisa Kokanie

    Lisa Kokanie


    This is an excellent restaurant with good quality food, friendly service, and a relaxed atmosphere. The staff is very knowledgeable and will offer explanations and help you make selections if you are unfamiliar with the dishes. They have a good selection of vegetarian dishes and even offer some vegan options on the regular menu. They also offer debit for takeout which is a huge plus - I hate paying interest on my dinner!




    If you like authentic Indian food you won't be disappointed for sure. Food is incredible! Plating is unique - not sure how I felt about it- was all metal from glasses to tv dinner style plates that have the segmented sections. Kind of left me feeling like it was an army mess dinner from the cafeteria... but food far out weighed that decor issue and i didn't care at that point. Highly recommend

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