Mongo's Grill de Thunder Bay

CanadaMongo's Grill



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1075 Memorial Av, P7B 4A4, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-623-8777
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4052161, Longitude: -89.2447944

commentaires 5

  • dhairya bose

    dhairya bose


    This a grill buffet, you grab whatever you wanted and put it in a bowl the grill it for you in front, but if you order they also go by la carte... The food is delicious and the staff is friendly.

  • james willison

    james willison


    Awesome food great staff they are very quick to answer any questions best place that i have taken my family to eat more then once you gotta go to understand why it's awesome

  • Ashley Huston

    Ashley Huston


    I only rate one star because of the continuous service, or lack there of, from a single waitress. I have been there on several occasions now with this young lady as my server and am not impressed. I found her very rude. She threw my to go container on the table (and i mean, she was still a few steps away from the table) and pivoted on her heels before I could even ask for my bill. Whenever she comes to the table she leaves as quick as she can, making it difficult to ask for anything; from dessert, to my bill. More often than not, our transactions do not conclude with a "have a nice day" or a friendly goodbye of any sorts that one would expect in the service industry. Overall you can tell she hates her job and should probably find a new one.

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    Aaron Rebelo


    Been there many times and will continue to go there when in the mood. The food is great service is great value is good too....but I have a major problem with the owner or the manager or whatever the position of this person who for some reason thinks he's like the head chief. He's not a chief. He barely looks like he's a cook of any kind, to my understanding. And yet he is behind the grill ALWAYS doesnt wear any cool outfits like apron or hair nets or anything at all. All the other cooks are great their polite their in proper cooking attire and yet this "boss" is for some reason in basically clothes of a server.....and this is everytime I go there... This has to stop. I've many times not gone there because of this ridiculous act, and the few times I do want to go for the great food other people strongly push me from not going because it's just gross that this manager is cooking. If I had to say anything to him to get his head around it is... dude your a manager get off the grill, if your cooking team is understaffed it's your job to get a new cook out there not yourself. You as the manager should be doing proper paper work and more importantly connecting with your customers. Get out to the table ask how things are and make sure they know that if they have any complaints big or small to tell you about it. Stop acting like a cook and start being a manager. Make real loyal customer. And if a new customer comes in you should make sure you great yourself and make sure their happy or answer any questions. Your cooks should cook. Your servers will serve and make the customers happy. You should be making sure your customers are coming back. You are 1/3 the reason people come back. You basically have good food and service so that's 2/3great....but the last 1/3 is you and your not doing your job and even worst your causing your 2/3 restaurant to sink because you are doing someone else's job. If you see this manager or whatever your position is please don't hesitate to reply. I'd like to talk to you about it because it drives me insane and your losing business because of this act.

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    Abhishek Raval


    Excellent food with excellent service. Very good ambience. Must try if you have never tried stir fry here.

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