Moksha Yoga Downtown i Toronto

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CanadaMoksha Yoga Downtown



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577, Wellington Street West, M5V 1G3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 416-361-3033
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6422878, Longitude: -79.4031162

kommentar 5

  • Brennan Kerr

    Brennan Kerr


    Moksha Yoga Downtown has been the perfect complement to my weekly workout routine. I've bought the 10-class pass multiple times over so that I have the most flexibility with my busy schedule. The instructors are awesome and it's made my intro to yoga easy to enjoy!

  • Jenna Rae Walker

    Jenna Rae Walker


    Moksha Yoga Downtown offers an experience like no other! As soon as you walk in the door the atmosphere allows a weight to come off your shoulders! Classes are amazing, as they seem to change slightly keeping you on your toes, but still having an idea of how to do it! This is a yoga that I would reccomend to everyone! Thank you Moksha for sharing your light!

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    Krisanne Stanoulis


    I love this studio! The teachers are very experienced. They offer lots of different types of classes for all skill levels. Its also a very welcoming and relaxing environment which I consider the most important part of the yoga experience. 10/10!

  • tiago taborda

    tiago taborda


    Moksha downtown stays true and consistent to overall Moksha experiences I had in the past. Their events are focused on the community around it and on bringing some peace and joy to every Yogi. Teachers and staff are all great and seem to be quite knowledgeable. I would like to see more classes with music though:)

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    Dominique Biernat


    I absolutely LOVE Moksha Yoga Downtown!! Very clean and zen like facilities. Instructors are absolutely amazing and attentive. I love the variety in classes and the website is very user friendly. Moksha has helped me become a better person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

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