Michaels in Saskatoon




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1723, Preston Avenue North, S7N 4V2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakte telefon: +1 306-975-1810
webseite: locationsca.michaels.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 52.1467231, Longitude: -106.6185866

kommentare 5

  • Andrea Carroll

    Andrea Carroll


    Love Michael's however - as everyone knows - it is over priced. The exact same product ( canvas for cross stitch) at Walmart was half the price. This location seems to always be lacking what I'm looking for. They also need to fix their debit machines.

  • Hilary Hlagy

    Hilary Hlagy


    They always have what I need. Never seem to be out of stock. There's almost always some sort of sale on. The down side is that there's almost always a giant lineup. They're usually quick to call more staff but sometimes you spend more time at the checkout than you do shopping.

  • en

    Eileen Eremondi


    Always a great selection and they usually have a large number of whatever is on sale which I like. Finding help is often difficult though, and they are very slow to open up additional tills so expect to spend time waiting in line to pay. I also dislike how their tills work - I prefer my discounts to be reflected right away - not just at the end as you pay.

  • en

    Carly Galbraith


    Best craft store in the city! Has a variety of different things and very helpful staff. Sign up for their email list and get 50% coupons or higher on a fairly regular basis which is very helpful because Michael's can be a little expensive but at the end of the day worth every penny. Very high quality and plentiful variety, highly recommended!

  • neil fisher

    neil fisher


    It's difficult to review big-box chain retailers, but based on my interactions with staff at this location - I would suggest heading here for your crafting needs. I was able to describe a fun project to staff member and based on my gibberish, she was able to help me find a number of product that perfectly suited my needs. This wasn't just a one time experience either, I've had numerous occasions where staff have been very helpful and were able to offer real suggestions - not just directions to a product or isle.

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