MFKTO de Toronto




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1152, Dupont Street, M6H 2A2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-588-1950
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.668925, Longitude: -79.438881

commentaires 5

  • Alex Jhons

    Alex Jhons


    Like other people said they are very rude. I never been treated that bad at a store in my life.

  • Elizabeth Lea

    Elizabeth Lea


    We found exactly what we were looking for. Very helpful staff. Lots of great ideas for our next interior design projects. Thanks!

  • George K

    George K


    Cool furniture. Okay prices. You can find deals. Find the deals because if it's not a deal and it breaks or becomes damaged, there's no warranty whatsoever. The staff is okay, but they really don't know their furniture too well. A lot of false information flying over there. You can find all of their furniture online from other dealers at better prices with free shipping.

  • Tony Habib

    Tony Habib


    So confused about this shop. To start with, the show room is so small and jammed with furniture that you can barely walk between them. Hanging chandeliers from a very low ceiling adds to the feeling. Staff want sure about many things. We left our number to check and get back to us but never did. But I have to say they have loads of good furniture with very very competing prices. Very confusing as I said. If you know exactly what you are looking for you will love it. Otherwise you want be entertained.

  • Evangelos Pitsadiotis

    Evangelos Pitsadiotis


    The selection was good. My wife and I walked through looking at furniture, and not one of the 4 stuff members even said hello or asked us if we needed help. They sat at the main desk and just stared at us. To bad, we had wallet in hand ready to spend

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