Memorial University of Newfoundland i St. John's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMemorial University of Newfoundland


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230, Elizabeth Avenue, A1C 5S7, St. John's, Division No. 1, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 709-864-8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.5737975, Longitude: -52.7329053

kommentar 5

  • Tarek Temoo

    Tarek Temoo


    I hope to learning in the master program

  • Spider man

    Spider man


    Thieves they took registration fees while they know that they will reject your application just because they are thieves.

  • Elmer Davis

    Elmer Davis


    This place is amazing if you like to spend the time between the nature. It's so big, has four paths for walking, a pound (it has a lot of ducks and you can give them food) and a lookout. Another thing that you can appreciate are all of kind of flowers from the province, that are labeled with their information. I think that the weather is a clue factor for enjoying this place, because if the day is rainy, maybe you don't want to stay outside for a long time, also the photos could have less light, but in a good day, I think that you would have great photos.

  • Zach W

    Zach W


    Nice campus size. Has everything you’d ever think of but yet not too overwhelming.

  • Scott Oosterom

    Scott Oosterom


    Class of 2005 B.Ed. here, and I have no complaints. The education faculty was second to none, with a host of awesome professors who actually spent time in a classroom at the high school level long before training new teachers. St. John's is a nice small city, and recently identified as the cheapest place in Canada to live.

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