Megan McCormick i Calgary

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMegan McCormick



🕗 åbningstider

1612, 17 Avenue Southwest, T2T 0E3, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 403-797-4168
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.0380099, Longitude: -114.0983656

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ryan Jejina


    Great service!

  • en

    Heather Leduc-Pessah


    We had a great experience working with the Home Sweet Home team. We were originally in touch with another member but Megan jumped right in to help us out when he was away and showed us the house that would become our home! Megan was very helpful and had a genuine interest in ensuring everything went well for us in the experience. We really enjoyed working with her throughout the showing, the sale and she has helped us with several follow-ups since then!

  • en

    Peter Gwozdecki


    Megan is very friendly, fast, and efficient

  • Jess C

    Jess C


    Our experience was great! Megan was very accomodating, patient and quick to respond to our questions. We didn't feel like we rushed into anything we didn't want to and she helped us feel confident about our buying decision. I would definitely recommend Megan to all my friends and family! Thank you for all your help in buying our first home! We still love it so much!

  • en

    Taryn Hafner


    Excellent Service

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