McDonald's de Ottawa




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450, Terminal Avenue, K1G 0Z3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-789-7911
site web:
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Latitude: 45.4135246, Longitude: -75.6503207

commentaires 5

  • Kim Larocque

    Kim Larocque


    Tastes like McDonald's. I wasn't dissapointed. Staff is pleasant.

  • Mina



    I like the food here, sue me. Sometimes nothing beats a big mac or chicken McNuggets. There's actually quite a variety of foods here, from burgers to sides to desserts. I also like the size of drinks they have here and the variety. I wish they had more diet drink options though. Sometimes when you order greasy food like this you want to offset it with a 0 calorie drink haha. The staff here are usually pretty fast to get our food ready, except when it's late at night. I've noticed at night the nuggets are dried out and not as good, same with the fries. I wish they still cooked then fresh late into the night.

  • William Delaire

    William Delaire


    It's a small Walmart McDonald's, made to be short staffed with a small menu, but it happens way too often where people expect it to be like a regular McDonald's... Nope, lower your expectations and make smaller, simpler orders. Coffee and an egg Mcmuffin? No problem! Order full meals with customizations for your family of 5 during a rush and you've just back logged the kitchen and staff, no bueno.

  • b ho

    b ho


    So much fun!!! The customers and McHappy employees interact with each other on such a wicked awesome level. It is such a joy to watch the staff in action as they play off the silly banter from such a silly crew of good looking customers! Thanks and have a McHappy day! Smiles are still free at this McLocation!

  • Chris Nicholas

    Chris Nicholas


    Dec 12 5:20pm: While waiting to give my order, two off-shift staff members in street clothes swaggered past myself & other customers waiting to order, almost walking directly past staff entrance. Seemingly no food safety precautions or regulations were observed upon arrival. While this in itself isn't a huge issue, combined with the fact they were holding their cell phones in one hand, half-eaten food in the other, while proceeding to immediately make themselves comfortable in the kitchen, as if they owned the place, just an arms length away from customers orders being cooked & prepared, and placing the certainly fecal coliform saturated phones directly onto food prep surfaces makes this inexcusable and warrants a call to a Health Inspector.

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