lululemon i Montréal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1232, Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, H3G 1P1, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 514-394-0770
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4982285, Longitude: -73.5743156

kommentar 5

  • Eric Ibey

    Eric Ibey


    This was my first time shopping at Lululemon and I was really impressed with the customer service. Everyone working at both downtown stores were super friendly and helpful without being pushy. I often avoid shopping in downtown Montreal because I find customer service is terrible, but not at Lululemon. Combined with good quality clothing, you can't go wrong!

  • Suki Cotnoir

    Suki Cotnoir


    Good service nice selection.

  • en

    Alex H


    Girl was so nice and recommended a perfect pair of shorts not too short for school. Wear them everyday! Great brand have so much stuff from here.

  • en

    Lola Ianovski


    Big store with lots of choice, but you'll be largely on your own service-wise so be prepared to rummage through the shelves

  • Francisco Monterrubio

    Francisco Monterrubio


    Last friday (dec 23 at noon) I wanted to buy a gift, I searched Lululemon in Google because I was with my kid and I tried to have a parking spot near from the store. Google search pin, is placing Lululemon Sainte-Catherine in front of Simons and some steps away from Mansfield. Well, I parked near and I went there and this is wrong. I had to let the car in the parking and after walking some blocks with my kid (talking that we were below Zero outside), I found the right place. Once in the store and telling the guy (cashier) that the pin in Google search was wrong, he just told me that I need to enter the exact Lululemon address... wow the worst customer service ever and the cleverest thing ever (sarcasm)... Google map must say Internet users search only by the exact address. So bad!

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